Bricks pizza. Photo by Becca Dilley/Heavy Table
Soon you'll see those numbers right on the menu, like it or not, thanks to a rule in the health care bill.
By MAURA LERNER, Star Tribune
Last update: March 29, 2010 - 9:52 PM
Would it surprise you to know that a crispy chicken salad at Burger King has as many calories (670) as a Whopper? Or that a 16-ounce mocha at Starbucks has twice the calories of a cappuccino?
These numbers aren't exactly trade secrets -- you can find them on the restaurants' websites -- but in the next few years, they will start showing up on their menus as well, thanks to a small provision in the massive health care law President Obama signed last week.
The new rule, which applies to restaurant chains with 20 or more locations, won't formally kick in for at least a year. But consumer advocates say it could be a powerful weapon in the battle against obesity, simply by allowing consumers to see how many calories they're eating when they dine out.
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