Crispy Cones were featured on Colbert Report last night. Crispy Cones is not about ice creams. It is about portable food - putting food in a cone. Quite a unique idea actually.Crispy Cones' motto is "The food you love in a cone."
They're incredibly versatile, delicious with fillings from eggs to salads, pizza to deli, stir fry to carnitas, BBQ, stews and even dessert. Any food that's ever been eaten between two slices of bread, in a wrap or on top of pizza can now be enjoyed drip free, anywhere, anytime and on the go with Crispycones.Crispycones make portion control simple and consistent with delicious cones that range from snack to meal size and are perfect for all day parts.
Crispycones look and feel like artisanal breads but have the advantage of being portable, microwaveable, seamless and mess free. They heat quickly to a perfect crispness in a variety of ovens including conventional, microwave and rapid cook systems such as the TurboChef.
Hospitality Careeres Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
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