Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Food Safety Success Kit

Purchasing the turkey

Be prepared! Before purchasing your turkey, make ample space in your refrigerator, moving shelves if necessary.

Fresh or frozen? There is no quality difference between a fresh or frozen turkey although fresh turkeys have shorter shelf lives. By purchasing a frozen turkey, you can get the turkey in advance and take advantage of special sales. Fresh turkeys provide convenience because they do not require thawing.

What size turkey do I need to buy? When purchasing a whole turkey, purchase at least one pound of uncooked turkey per person. You'll have enough for the feast and for leftovers too. (see checklist for more purchasing details)

When should I buy it? Keep in mind that a whole turkey takes about 24 hours per four to five pounds to thaw in the refrigerator. (For example: A 15-pound frozen bird will take 3 to 4 full days to thaw in the refrigerator.) Ideally, purchase your frozen turkey as far in advance as necessary to safely thaw it in the refrigerator. If buying a fresh turkey, purchase it only 1 to 2 days before the meal and keep it refrigerated.

To view complete article visit:

Hospitality Careers Training Center

2751 Hennepin Ave S #297

Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002

(612) 216-3987

Friday, November 27, 2009

FDA v. Sharkco Seafood International Inc.


For Immediate Release: November 24, 2009

Media Inquires: Siobhan DeLancey,, 301-796-4668
Consumer Inquires: 1-888-INFO-FDA

FDA Seeks Permanent Injunction Against Sharkco Seafood International Inc.
Sharkco’s History of Violations Prompts FDA to Seek Court Action

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is seeking a permanent injunction against Sharkco Seafood International Inc., located in Venice, La. The injunction is intended to stop the seafood processing company from distributing scombrotoxin-forming fish in interstate commerce. Consumption of scombrotoxin-forming fish that are not properly preserved or refrigeratedcan result in scombroid food poisoning, a foodborne illness that results from eating spoiled or decayed fish. Scombrotoxin-forming fish most commonly include mackerel, sardines, tuna, bluefish, and mahi mahi.

To view complete article visit:

Hospitality Careers Training Center

2751 Hennepin Ave S #297

Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002

(612) 216-3987

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rosemary Roasted Turkey Recipe

By: Star Pooley

"This recipe makes your turkey moist and full of flavor. You can also use this recipe for Cornish game hens, chicken breasts or roasting chicken. Select a turkey sized according to the amount of people you will be serving."

Prep Time:25 Min

Cook Time:4 Hrs

Ready In:4 Hrs 45 Min
Original Recipe Yield 1 (12 pound) turkey

3/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
salt to taste
1 (12 pound) whole turkey

To view complete article view:

Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987

Thursday, November 12, 2009

HCTC to offer HACCP Online Training

Developed in conjunction with NSF International, the Hospitality Careers Training Center is proud to provide this exclusive on-line HACCP Manager certificate training program.

This course meets both nationally and internationally accepted HACCP standards. It contains the information needed to effectively participate in the organization, development, implementation and management of a successful HACCP plan. The trainee will experience practical, real world interactive case studies that cover the "five preliminary steps" of a HACCP plan and the application of its "seven principles". Also included are HACCP plan development forms that can be printed out and used to create a HACCP program.

To view complete article visit:

Hospitality Careers Training Center

2751 Hennepin Ave S #297

Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002

(612) 216-3987

Monday, November 9, 2009

Holiday Food Safety During Pregnancy

Learn how to keep you and your unborn baby healthy this holiday season by being food safe. The holiday season is a very exciting time of year filled with parties, family gatherings and lots of food. From turkey and dressing to every type of dessert imaginable, there is never a time of year when food is more of a focus. While it is important that everyone keep food safety in mind during this season, it is especially important for pregnant women to do so.

To view complete article visit:

Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002

(612) 216-3987

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Minn. Food Shelves To Get Donation From Farmers


ST. PAUL (AP) ―Minnesota farmers are giving 85,000 pounds of pork and more than 36,000

pounds of cheese to food shelves.

Representatives of the state Pork Board, Milk Producers Association and Soybean Research & Promotion Council announced the donation with Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Friday. The agricultural groups are working together as Minnesota Farmers Helping Families.

Representatives of the state Pork Board, Milk Producers Association and Soybean Research & Promotion Council announced the donation with Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Friday. The agricultural groups are working together as Minnesota Farmers Helping Families.

To view complete article visit:

Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987