Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Minnesota ServSafe Food Manager Certification Courses
Shoreview, MN 55126
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
5995 Rice Creek Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hennepin County Central Library
300 Nicollet Mall
Bloomington, MN 55425
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hennepin County Central Library
300 Nicollet Mall
Shoreview, MN 55126
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
5995 Rice Creek Parkway
Bloomington, MN 55425
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Alexandria, MN 56308
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Holiday Inn Alexandria
5637 Hwy 29 S
Saint Cloud, MN 56304
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
120 7th Ave SE
For further information contact:
Martin Pemberton
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Upcoming Minnesota Food Manager Certification Courses and Exams
Bloomington, MN
Tuesday, June 10, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Bloomington, MN 55425
Aberdeen, SD
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
3310 7th Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD
Eagan, MN
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
3035 Holiday Lane
Eagan, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hennepin County Central Library
300 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN
Shoreview, MN
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
5995 Rice Creek Parkway
Shoreview, MN
For further information contact:
Martin Pemberton
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Minnesota Food Manager Certification course online through TAP
Online Food Safety training achieved a 100% certification examination first time pass rate in a study conducted by The Ohio State University. TAP offers the only certification pass warranty. And, the program is the most widely accepted, by regulatory agencies, on-line food manager's certification training in the country.
$82.95 Initial Online Course - High quality presentation and simple to use. Hours of video, audio and interactive learning games, with all text and narration in both English and Spanish. No time limits. Take as much time as needed. 97.3% first time pass rate for those following warranty requirements. Qualified students that fail the examination are retrained and given the exam again with no further cost, see our website for details.One you have completed the online course, you may take a state approved ANSI accredited exam through the Hospitality Careers Training Center or a provider of your choice. Exams are administered at the end of each classroom course listed on the course dates and locations tab of our website. Exams may also be administered at your place of employment, contact your instructor for availability.
These courses offer full motion videos, audio narration and text in both English and Spanish, interactive learning games and private results reporting. When appropriate, the TAP Food Safety Manager Recertification course will save you time and money.
For further information contact:
Martin Pemberton
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Upcoming Minnesota Food Manager Certification Courses and Exams
Bloomington, MN
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Bloomington, MN 55425
Minneapolis, MN
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hennepin County Central Library
300 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Shoreview, MN
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
5995 Rice Creek Parkway
Shoreview, MN 55126
Bloomington, MN
Tuesday, June 10, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Bloomington, MN 55425
Aberdeen, SD
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
3310 7th Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD
For further information contact:
Martin Pemberton
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Hospitality Careers Training Center offers the Minnesota Food Manager Certification course online through TAP
Online Food Safety training achieved a 100% certification examination first time pass rate in a study conducted by The Ohio State University.
Offers the only certification pass warranty.
Is the most widely accepted, by regulatory agencies, on-line food manager's certification training in the country.
$82.95 Initial Online Course - High quality presentation and simple to use. Hours of video, audio and interactive learning games, with all text and narration in both English and Spanish. No time limits. Take as much time as needed. 97.3% first time pass rate for those following warranty requirements. Qualified students that fail the examination are retrained and given the exam again with no further cost. See Pass Assurance Standards below.One you have completed the online course, you may take a state approved ANSI accredited exam through the Hospitality Careers Training Center or a provider of your choice. Exams are administered at the end of each classroom course listed on the course dates and locations tab of this website. Exams may also be administered at your place of employment, contact your instructor for availability. Exam must be purchased separately.
$55.00 (Online Recertification) Minnesota TAP online Food Safety Manager Recertification courses are the only specifically developed online recertification courses offered that are approved for use in all states where non-examination food safety manager recertification is allowed: Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island. These courses require only about half the time to study as the full online course. Using these at home self-study courses eliminates any travel or time away from the job. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive your certificate from the Hospitality Careers Training Center. The TAP Certificate of Achievement is offered for printout (Note: The Hospitality Careers Training Center certificate is not for initial certification in any state. Further, only those with valid food safety manager certificates or are within the states allowable grace period are eligible for non-examination recertification). When the course has been successfully completed, your states recertification filing form can be printed from the Hospitality Careers Training Center's website under the "printable forms" tab. Send a copy of your certificate, recertification filing form, and a check for the recertification fee to the address listed on your states form. The state will then mail you an updated certificate.These courses offer full motion videos, audio narration and text in both English and Spanish, interactive learning games and private results reporting. When appropriate, the TAP Food Safety Manager Recertification course will save you time and money.
$55.00 (Online Recertification) Wisconsin TAP online Food Safety Manager Recertification courses are the only specifically developed online recertification courses offered that are approved for use in all states where non-examination food safety manager recertification is allowed: Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island. These courses require only about half the time to study as the full online course. Using these at home self-study courses eliminates any travel or time away from the job. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive your certificate from the Hospitality Careers Training Center. The TAP Certificate of Achievement is offered for printout (Note: The Hospitality Careers Training Center certificate is not for initial certification in any state. Further, only those with valid food safety manager certificates or are within the states allowable grace period are eligible for non-examination recertification). When the course has been successfully completed, your states recertification filing form can be printed from the Hospitality Careers Training Center's website under the "printable forms" tab. Send a copy of your certificate, recertification filing form, and a check for the recertification fee to the address listed on your states form. The state will then mail you an updated certificate.These courses offer full motion videos, audio narration and text in both English and Spanish, interactive learning games and private results reporting. When appropriate, the TAP Food Safety Manager Recertification course will save you time and money.
For further information contact:
Martin Pemberton
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Monday, May 17, 2010
Upcoming Minnesota ServSafe Food Manager Certification Courses and Exam
Rochester, MN
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
77 Wood Lake Dr SE
Rochester, MN 55904
Bloomington, MN
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Bloomington, MN 55425
Minneapolis, MN
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hennepin County Central Library
300 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Shoreview, MN
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Country Inn & Suites
5995 Rice Creek Parkway
Shoreview, MN 55126
Bloomington, MN
Tuesday, June 10, 2010
Mall of America
60 E Broadway
Bloomington, MN 55425
For further information contact:
Martin Pemberton
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Informacion Esencial De Servsafe

Dining Out for Life

by Heidi Fellner
Join Sven Sundgaard in Raising Money for The Aliveness Project
This time of year, it’s very easy to feel poor: months of high energy bills, taxes, and home improvement projects all pile on at once. This season in particular, our budgets are stretched even thinner, as more and more of us face pay cuts and layoffs, plus multiple international crises have required our aid as a nation and as a people. It’s all too easy to forget that we are comparatively very wealthy. The truth is that getting takeout coffee, renting a movie, or eating out at a restaurant may seem like basic living expenses to us, but in most parts of the world, they’re luxuries.
It’s pure genius, really, that someone had the idea of turning what Americans do best—spending money on a luxury—into an international fundraising event called Dining Out for Life. It works like this: Most of us have room in our budget for eating a meal out now and then, so if we just do so on April 29 at one of many participating restaurants throughout the Twin Cities, we will raise around $127,000 for The Aliveness Project.
Last year, Dining Out for Life accounted for 14 percent of the organization’s total budget—truly a staggering percentage, especially in light of what it is able to do for Minnesotans living with HIV/AIDS. Under one roof, it provides meals; a food shelf; integrative therapies like massage and acupuncture; case management; health and wellness seminars; and holiday baskets.
The Aliveness Project can do so much for so little thanks to a veritable army of volunteers who donate nearly 550 hours of their time each week. Their valuable skills are put to use in assisting more than 1,600 individuals each year, which amounts to about one in four people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Minnesota.
To view the complete article visit:
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Staying healthy while cleaning up after the flood

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
How many calories would you like with those fries?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Menu Labeling: Full Disclosure

Monday, March 29, 2010
ServSafe class offered at major discount
Class details:
Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
8am - 5pm
Holiday Inn St. Paul Downtown
175 W 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55102
Cost $110.00 Includes:
8 Hours of instruction
Instructor provided materials
ServSafe Exam
Processing by the NRA
ServSafe Certificate (with passing score)
Register for this class using the online registration tab at You will receive an email confirming your registration with in 24 business hours.
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
Friday, March 26, 2010
ServSafe® Class Blowout

-8 hours of classroom instruction
- Instructor provided materials
- ServSafe® Exam
- Processing by the NRA
- ServSafe® Certificate
Register for this class using the online registration tab on our site menu. You will receive an email confirming your registration within 24 business hours. All materials will be distributed during course.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
President's Day Promo
Friday, January 22, 2010
Basic Food Safety Course - Part 4

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Basic Food Safety Course - Part 3 Personal Hygiene

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Food Safety Part 2 - Holding Time and Temp

Part 2: Holding Time and Temperature.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Basic Food Safety Course - Part 1 Introduction
Foodborne illnesses are responsible for more than 75 million illnesses, more than 230,000 hospitalizations, and approximately 5000 deaths each year in the United States. In Part 1, we show you 3 types of contamination and how improper handling can allow them to become dangerous to your patrons.
To view complete article visit:
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
For a complete list of TAP Series online programs offered by the Hospitality Careers Training Center as well as upcoming ServSafe class dates and locations, course description, cost, online registration, and ServSafe Essentials 5th Edition Textbook, visit:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Salad Bar Safety
*Spilling food around hard-to-reach containers
*Dipping their fingers into salad dressings for a sample lick
*Eating from their plates while waiting in the serving line
*Ducking their heads underneath the sneeze guard for better access to the food (especially kids)
*Refilling their soiled plates with second helpings
If this behavior doesn't surprise you--people are the same everywhere--it may surprise you to learn that it was not the consumers the investigators blamed for these violations, but the food service managers. The way they saw it, people treat a salad bar with with respect if it is constructed properly, has signs to guide patrons to correct behavior, and is properly attended and supervised.
To view complete article visit:
Hospitality Careers Training Center
2751 Hennepin Ave S #297
Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002
(612) 216-3987
For a complete list of TAP Series online programs offered by the Hospitality Careers Training Center as well as upcoming ServSafe class dates and locations, course description, cost, online registration, and ServSafe Essentials 5th Edition Textbook, visit:
Is your Salad Bar Under Surveillance?
Charles Felix Associates
(703) 777-7448