Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dining Out for Life

by Heidi Fellner

Join Sven Sundgaard in Raising Money for The Aliveness Project

This time of year, it’s very easy to feel poor: months of high energy bills, taxes, and home improvement projects all pile on at once. This season in particular, our budgets are stretched even thinner, as more and more of us face pay cuts and layoffs, plus multiple international crises have required our aid as a nation and as a people. It’s all too easy to forget that we are comparatively very wealthy. The truth is that getting takeout coffee, renting a movie, or eating out at a restaurant may seem like basic living expenses to us, but in most parts of the world, they’re luxuries.

It’s pure genius, really, that someone had the idea of turning what Americans do best—spending money on a luxury—into an international fundraising event called Dining Out for Life. It works like this: Most of us have room in our budget for eating a meal out now and then, so if we just do so on April 29 at one of many participating restaurants throughout the Twin Cities, we will raise around $127,000 for The Aliveness Project.

Last year, Dining Out for Life accounted for 14 percent of the organization’s total budget—truly a staggering percentage, especially in light of what it is able to do for Minnesotans living with HIV/AIDS. Under one roof, it provides meals; a food shelf; integrative therapies like massage and acupuncture; case management; health and wellness seminars; and holiday baskets.
The Aliveness Project can do so much for so little thanks to a veritable army of volunteers who donate nearly 550 hours of their time each week. Their valuable skills are put to use in assisting more than 1,600 individuals each year, which amounts to about one in four people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Minnesota.

To view the complete article visit:

Hospitality Careers Training Center

2751 Hennepin Ave S #297

Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002

(612) 216-3987

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