Tuesday, December 1, 2009


11.30.09 9:15am CST: Open Arms has a great deal to be thankful for. We have secured $8.1 million and successfully completed our capital campaign! The success of our campaign will allow us to finish construction of our new facility at 25th Street and Bloomington Avenue and begin serving even more clients with chronic, progressive and potentially life-threatening illnesses.

Since announcing our campaign in May of 2007, we have had tremendous support from this community – from a $5 gift from the four-year-old daughter of a volunteer to a million dollar donation from longtime supporters. More than 1,200 individuals, foundations, corporations and faith communities have contributed to our campaign. This tremendous outpouring of support – in the midst of the Great Recession – means Open Arms will qualify for an $800,000 challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation and a $400,000 challenge grant from the Bush Foundation.

To view complete article visit: http://hospitalitytrainingcenter.com/12001.html

Hospitality Careers Training Center

2751 Hennepin Ave S #297

Minneapolis, MN 55408-1002

(612) 216-3987

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